Collection: Chakra Bracelet Collection

 Chakra Bracelet meaning and how it works:

To be clear: The chakras don’t exist in the physical plane. They are present in the astral or spiritual realm, but they can still influence our health and life." It's believed that having your chakras open and aligned allows prana — or the ultimate pure healing energy — to flow through them, which in turn can make you feel happier and healthier. 

7 Main Chakras:

  • Root: focuses on stability and security. It helps you feel grounded and able to withstand challenges.
  • Sacral: rules sexual and creative energy. It also influences how you relate to your emotions and the emotions of others.
  • Solar Plexus:  is all about confidence, as well as helping you feel in control of your life.
  • Heart:  is linked to self-love and love for others.
  • Throat: is a place of speaking truth and ensuring your inner truths are properly communicated.
  • Third Eye: governs your intuition. It's also linked to imagination.
  • Crown: is all about your connection to spirituality. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose.

According to ancient spiritual practices, Chakras are spinning vortexes of vital energy that regulate different aspects of our lives. If the chakras ever become out of sync, they can negatively impact your physical, mental and spiritual health.

The seven primary chakras are positioned along the spine, beginning with the Root Chakra (or base chakra) at the bottom of the spine going up to the Crown Chakra at the top of the head.

The location of each of the major chakras relates to the organs and bodily functions they are connected to. For example, the Heart Chakra is located in the upper chest and is linked to heart health.

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