Wicks and Stonez
Evil Eye Bracelets
Evil Eye Bracelets
The evil eye is a protection amulet that protects against other peoples hostile glance. The color meaning acts as a charm to protect you from these bad intentions such as anger, jealousy, envy, disgust, mistrust, vengeance, etc. There are different types of evil eyes, but blue is the most popular one. The evil eye color – deep blue, shows positive energy and good karma.
Red Evil eye; Brings you courage; More enthusiasm and energy; Protection from fears and anxieties
Orange Evil eye: Happiness and protection; Motivation for commitment;Increase creativity and playfulness
Yellow or Gold Evil eye; Protect your health; Relief from exhaustion; Sharper mind and concentration
Green Evil eye; Garners happiness; Balance in your life; Freedom to pursue new ideas
Blue Evil eye: Karma and fate protection; Calm and relaxation; Open flow of communication
Care information
Care information
You can cleanse your crystal with a damp cloth.
Cleansing and Charging your crystal
Cleansing and Charging your crystal
Cleansing: You can use sage or palo santo to cleanse your crystal.
Once your crystal has been properly cleansed, you then charge under moonlight or sunlight.
Charge under the moonlight: simply place it on a selenite
charging plate or you can leave it out in the moonlight for several hours.